Direct Your State Tax Dollars with the AZ Charitable Tax Credit
Anyone who pays income tax in Arizona can donate to Cortney’s Place and take advantage of the Arizona Tax Credit for Contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations.
When you make a Tax Credit Donation you are directing your tax dollars to Cortney’s Place, up to $938 if you are filing a joint return or $470 if you are filing an individual return.
What that means... If you’re expecting a refund, that refund will be increased dollar-for-dollar up to the amount of your donation. If you still owe taxes, the amount you owe will be reduced dollar-for-dollar up to the amount of your donation.
With your support, Cortney’s Place can offer incredible year-round programming. Your gift helps Cortney’s Place provide an array of specialized, unique, and engaging program and therapy opportunities to enhance the lives of our members.Cortney’s Place is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Tax ID 42-1745079 QCO Code: 20130. Consult with a tax professional about your specific situation. To Claim the credit you must be required to file an Arizona tax return, make your contribution online or postmark by April 15th and complete AZ form 321 to file with your state tax return.